Plugins – Autoupgrade

In this video, I’m gonna show you how to update and delete WordPress plugins from your WordPress blog.

[evp width=”640″ height=”480″]tutorials/wpvideos/wp-plugins-autoupgrade.swf[/evp]

Now, the first thing you need to do is click on the plugins link, and here, you’ll be able to see all the available plugins.

Now, right on top, you can either sort by all plugins on your WordPress blog, or you can sort by active plugins, inactive plugins; and you can see the amount of plugins that have an upgrade available. So this gives the eight plugins that have upgrades, and I’m gonna click on Upgrade Available link. Okay, so you can see all the plugins that I have installed on my blog that require some sort of update, and there’s a message here saying that there’s a new version of All in One SEO Pack, and I can either view version details, or I can upgrade automatically.

So I’m going to click on Upgrade Automatically. Okay, so now, what I need to do is to put in my Hostname, Username, and Password, and these three details would have been emailed to you or given to you by your web hosting company when you have purchased web hosting from them, and the Hostname is usually FTP followed by your actual domain, and also enter your username and password. This is not your WordPress blog’s username and password. It is your C Panel or web hosting username and password.

And now, I have entered my password, so I’m gonna click on Proceed. And my WordPress plugin has been updated. And you can see here the process involved – first, it downloads the update of the zipped file, it unpacks the update, it installs the latest version, it deactivates the plugin, and it removes the old version of the plugin, and then your plugin has been upgraded.

And then, finally, it reactivates your plugin if you have previously activated this plugin. Otherwise, you will see a message here, prompts you to either activate the plugin or returns to the Plugins page. And in my case, I’m gonna return to the Plugins page.

Okay, now, I’m gonna show you how to delete WordPress plugins automatically via your WordPress dashboard, without having to use any FTP programs. And what you need to do is that on the particular plugin that you want to delete, just look for the Delete button here, and you can click on that, or if you want to delete several plugins at the same time, you can just check the plugins that you want, choose Bulk Actions, and choose on Delete. But in this example, I’m only going to delete one particular plugin that I no longer want, and I’m gonna click on the Delete button here.

Okay, so you’ll see a warning message asking you to confirm if you’re sure that you want to delete these files, and I’ll click on ‘Yes, delete these files’.

And next is the same process as before – you need to enter your hostname, username, and password. And when you’re done, just click on Proceed. And once the plugin has been deleted, you’ll be returned to the Plugins page, and you can see that the selected plugins have been deleted. And you can go on to upgrade or delete any of the WordPress plugins that you want. The process is really simple; all you need to do is to know your FTP hostname, your C Panel username, and your C Panel password.