Twitter – Signup

In this video, I’m going to show you how to sign up for Twitter and how to use Twitter to market your online business. Now, if you haven’t already heard about Twitter, then let me explain basically what it is. Twitter is a social media or social networking service that is based on short messages that you can send to your followers, and that your followers can send to you. And why this is very, very important for your online business is because there are millions of Twitter users actively talking about various things online, and if you can get them to talk about your business to send out a tweet about your online business, then you can increase your profits substantially.

[evp width=”640″ height=”480″]tutorials/wpvideos/twitter-signup.swf[/evp]

Now, if you go to and you’ll be able to look at the home page, which is very simple actually, but most importantly, at this section here at the bottom here, you can see the popular topics by minute, day, and week. So the first line here is the most popular topics being talked about in Twitter for the current minute, and below that is the most popular topics for the current day. In this case, it’s the 27th of March. And right below that is the popular topics for the month. So you can see consistently that there are certain popular topics, right? That appear both in the most popular topics of the minute and also the day and sometimes also for the past week. So you can always browse through these topics, and this is good indication of current trends and basically what are the hot topics online right now.

But now, we wanna create a Twitter account. So click on Sign Up Now. So basically, the signup process is very simple. What you need to do is put in your full name, your username, password, and your email address. Next, make sure you let others to find you by your email address. So if someone knows your email address, then they can just search for your account on to the dot com and add you to the list of people that they are following.

Finally, you can have a look at your Terms of Service and then click on Create My Account. So before your account can be created, you’ll be presented with a captcha code which basically tries to determine if you are an actual human being or simply a computer program trying to access Twitter. So make sure that you get this correct, and I’m going to type in the word as I see it here, and then I’m gonna click on Finish.

And then you’ll probably get a confirmation email sent to your email address, and once you confirm your email address, then your Twitter account should be active. So this is actually not a brand-new Twitter account; this is just a demo Twitter account that I’ve created much earlier.

So I’m gonna show you the basic idea of using Twitter, is that you can post any message here to let your followers know what’s happening in your life or in your business, as long as it is not more than 140 characters long. So let me give you an example. So here, I posted a very simple message: “Wow, recording video tutorials can be really time consuming!” And you can see that I have 80 characters left with which I can continue type a longer sentence if I want to, and I have maximum 80 left, but this pretty much does it, so I’m gonna click on Tweet.

And now, you can see my latest message appears here in my own profile, as well as in the profile of people who are following me, and on my profile page, you can see that I’m also following roughly about 20 people. So any updates posted by those people appear on my Twitter home page and can be seen by anyone who happens to be viewing my profile page at the moment. So that’s the basic idea of how to use Twitter; it’s basically a tool that allows you to communicate very short messages about what’s happening now to a list of people who may be following you.