Once you have your 3WayLinks account created, then you can just log into the 3WayLinks Members’ Area, where you can see the main members’ area page and you can actually submit a new domain and continue the process to build incoming links to your site.
[evp width=”640″ height=”480″]tutorials/wpvideos/3waylinks-submitsite.swf[/evp]
So, the first thing you’ll be able to see is the domain quota, 50 sites are allowed. In this particular count, I’ve used 28 sites. Now, the good news is if your website actually has a PR, or a page rank of four or more, then those sites do not count against your quota. This in effect means that you’ll be able to use more than 50 sites with one 3WayLinks account, provided that some of those sites are of higher quality and have at least a page rank of four.
Now since my account already has a few sites, I’m gonna show you an example of one particular site which has a page rank of two. So I’m gonna see all the links that are pointing to my site or all the inbound links which is marked here as ‘links (in)’.
So for this particular site, you can see that there are about 244 inbound links out of which one is inactive, so there’s only about 243 live links. And I can also see the actual websites that are linking to my site; the page rank of that particular site; and this is only the homepage page rank, I can see if the links are live, and the date that I got this link to my website.
If I scroll right to the bottom, I’ll be able to see a summary of all those sites that are linking to my website, and you can see the page rank, negative 0 and page rank 0, these are probably sites that are very, very new. And then you also have a lot of page rank 1, 2, 3 sites, and a few page rank 4 and perhaps even a site with a page rank of 5.
So back to the main screen earlier; for that particular website, if I want to see the links that are outgoing, or in other words, that links from my website to other websites, then I can just click on ‘links (out)’.
Okay, so I can see that my site is linking to 255 websites. Now it is important to remember that since this is a three-way link, I did not link back to the sites that are linking to my website. Instead, I link to other sites in the network in the 3WayLinks network. And if I scroll right to the bottom, I can also see a summary of all the links from my website to other websites on the Internet, and also the corresponding page ranks. So if your 3WayLinks account is new, then the first thing you need to do is add a new domain name to your account. To do that, you just need to scroll right to the bottom, and you’ll see a link here that says, Add New Domain. So just click on that link.
Then, all you need to do is enter the domain name, select a category, and then click on Create New Domain. Okay, so now it says that “The new domain was created†and “Click here to continueâ€.
So that will bring you back to the 3WayLinks Members’ Area homepage, where you’ll see the domain name that you’ve just submitted, and you can see Step 1: “Complete your account details by filling in the description and all three link text fields on the edit page.†So the easiest way to do that is to just click on this link here. And then what you need to do is fill up this entire page, so let’s start by giving your site a description. And I have just put a very short description for my website, and then you can move on to the next, that is to select the keywords that you want to use as anchor text or as links to your own website. Now, if you’re using 3WayLinks.net or any other link-building program, then by now, you should already know which keywords you want to rank highly in the search engines for, and those are the keywords that you’re going to put in these three columns right here.
You can see that the primary link text is going to receive about 60 percent of links. The secondary link text is going to receive about 30 percent of the links, and the third link text receives only about 10 percent of all inbound links to your site. So what you want to do is enter the actual keyword that you want to rank for in a primary link text, and then a variation of that in the secondary and third link text.
Okay, so I’ve done that and you can see that the primary keywords that I want to rank highly in the search engines is Dog Training Guide. Now for the secondary and third link text, I have maintained the keywords Dog Training, and also Guide. You can see those here. Alright. The only difference is that I’ve created a slight variation in terms of the order of those words to make it seem more natural to Google and search engines. This is because you cannot have all links to your site using the exact same link text. If all sites link to yours with the exact same link text, then Google’s going to say that you are trying to manipulate the search engine rankings. So you want to make this look as natural as possible. Make sure your primary keyword gets 60 percent of the links, and the rest are just variations that actually contain those primary keywords as well but have been modified to make it look more natural, as if someone would actually link to your site. Because when someone links to your site, they will always use the same keywords. So by creating a few variations, you make it look much more natural.
And the next step is to create your link page. So the first thing you need to do is give your link page a name. I’m gonna call it Resources.php. Alright, and it says here, Unless you are using the in-line PHP code, this file MUST end in ‘php’. Okay. So if you’re building a website the manual way, using an HTML editor, and you can name it Resources.php, for example. But if you are using a WordPress blog, then your pages would not end with ‘php’. So in that case, you would want to put it as Resources and a backward slash.
Alright, so you really need to know how you’re building your website. Are you doing it manually? Are you using some sort of website builder? Or are you using a WordPress blog? And you need to rename the link page accordingly. In this case, I’m going to assume that you are using a WordPress blog, so I don’t need to put the ‘.php’. I’m just gonna put Resources and a forward slash, and then I’m gonna give the link page a title.
Okay, right below that, there is actually a link for you to watch the video that shows you how to set up the link page customization. The most difficult part here is actually to create your website template for your links page. Now, there are a few ways to do this. You can either create a basic HTML template, and from that HTML template, you can copy the links page header and also the links page footer, and anything in between the header and footer is considered the place where your link directory or your links list will go.
But again, if you’re using blogs like WordPress, then this can be really, really difficult to do because WordPress blogs use themes, and it’s very difficult to just copy a header and footer and paste it in here. So what I do in most cases, if you’re using a WordPress blog or other types of content management systems, I suggest you put in a simple HTML code.
So I’m gonna zoom in here so you can see the actual code. So this code is basically just a placeholder to put at least some sort of character or contents into the link page header and footer. If you leave these two columns blank then you will not be able to continue with building your links page.
Okay, so once that’s done, then you can just click on Preview Your Links Page. And you can see here that my links page looks very plain, but that doesn’t matter because of, since this example is showing you how to use it on WordPress blog, you will actually just copy and paste the code onto your WordPress blog by creating a new page, and then your link page will appear exactly as the rest of your WordPress blog.
Okay, so when that’s done, click on Update. Okay, so it says here that Your account has been updated. Your site will not be live in the network until you revalidate since you have changed your links page file name. Click here to continue. So what it basically means right now is that you need to log in to your WordPress blog or create a new PHP file and upload it, and make sure that that file is linked too from the main page of your website, which I will show you in the next video, how to create your links page files.